Explore the Future of Personal and Professional Development
Meet our Founder

Sharon's passion for human development is infectious. She continues to be inspired by what her clients unearth within themselves as they pay attention and deepen their focus. She considers coaching a strategic business tool.
Sharon R. Strauss
Founder, PMP, CIQ | Certified Integral Coach
For more than three decades Sharon has been scouting the leading edge human sciences for what's new and applicable to her clients. She spent eight years in technology sales and technical product marketing, and 20+ years as an entrepreneur serving clients with technical talent, facilitation, coaching, consulting, speaking at conferences and training. Her clients have included Apple, AT&T, Charles Schwab, Cisco, Google, Intel, KPMG, Leapfrog, Levi Strauss & Co, Novartis, Salesforce and others.
Science has proven that we are the “Architects” of our own choices. Sharon uses current research along with the latest knowledge from the emotional/ social/ conversational intelligences field in her work. Her coaching methodology is rigorous. She supports her clients as they gain a deeper awareness of themselves and others in life and at work. She works with instincts, emotions and enlarges client capacities in areas that they have chosen. For example, she understands the connection between being mindful and being emotionally aware. As a leader, this understanding is paramount to their personal and professional lives every day.
Sharon was involved with neuroscience research far before it became popular. It was while at UC Berkeley along with Dr. Marion Diamond, she began understanding how our brains work and how we can use the data to better understand our own motivations. By knowing our reactions and by self-observation and self-regulation, we are better equipped to adapt to change and be more creative. This ability can help us live with more focus and joy in our professional and personal lives.
Sharon graduated from the University of California at Berkeley as class speaker. She studied social policy with a focus on decision-making strategies. Sharon is a Certified Integral Coach through New Ventures West and also holds the title of PMP.
HumanSight® is a competency-based process built upon current scientific research and is a requisite for 21st century leadership practices. Our history of working with the human elements of organizations positions us to understand the needs of ever-changing business models.
"Those willing to face themselves, to confront their own challenges, and glean the wisdom in all things are the ones whose lives are most fulfilled. Our clients thrive because of who they are, who they are willing to become, and what visions they’re able to capture."
Sharon R. Strauss, Founder
Logos... intel, sephora, amazon, apple, google, leapfrog, levi's, novartis, pwc, workday, etc....
You're in good company
Human Insight Group partners with global technical leaders and teams.

Tindaro sculpture by Igor Mitoraj in La Defense, Paris
Press and Media
Check out Human Insight Group's interviews, presentations, and writings.

Using Your Own Science As A Guide To A More Meaningful Life
California Governor’s Conference
Personal Mastery
East Bay Career Transitions Group
Leadership Meeting/ Enneagram Workshop
Mercer Consulting
I am Unique Because....
Women In Technology International
Created and delivered a Mentoring Leadership Seminar
Board Retreat Governance and Leadership Workshop
Clients of Mohr Development
Teaching technical leaders how to sell their ideas to management
The LHH Milestone Career Transition program
Lead Presenter
Professional Growth in an Uncertain Working World
Harnessing Personal and Professional Adaptability and Resiliency